
已售 1

接下来的两个netsh命令是不能在所有操作系统都通用的命令的例子,netsh firewall命令只能在XP SP2及其以上版本的操作系统使用。

C:\Windows\system32> netsh firewall show state
Firewall status:
Profile                           = Standard
Operational mode                  = Enable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Group policy version              = Windows Firewall
Remote admin mode                 = Disable
Ports currently open on all network interfaces:
Port   Protocol  Version  Program
No ports are currently open on all network interfaces.
C:\Windows\system32> netsh firewall show config
Domain profile configuration:
Operational mode                  = Enable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Allowed programs configuration for Domain profile:
Mode     Traffic direction    Name / Program
Port configuration for Domain profile:
Port   Protocol  Mode    Traffic direction     Name
ICMP configuration for Domain profile:
Mode     Type  Description
Enable   2     Allow outbound packet too big
Standard profile configuration (current):
Operational mode                  = Enable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Service configuration for Standard profile:
Mode     Customized  Name
Enable   No          Network Discovery
Allowed programs configuration for Standard profile:
Mode     Traffic direction    Name / Program
Enable   Inbound              COMRaider / E:\comraider\comraider.exe
Enable   Inbound              nc.exe / C:\users\b33f\desktop\nc.exe
Port configuration for Standard profile:
Port   Protocol  Mode    Traffic direction     Name
ICMP configuration for Standard profile:
Mode     Type  Description
Enable   2     Allow outbound packet too big
Log configuration:
File location   = C:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log
Max file size   = 4096 KB
Dropped packets = Disable
Connections     = Disable



C:\Windows\system32> schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
Folder: \Microsoft\Windows Defender
HostName:                             B33F
TaskName:                             \Microsoft\Windows Defender\MP Scheduled Scan
Next Run Time:                        1/22/2014 5:11:13 AM
Status:                               Ready
Logon Mode:                           Interactive/Background
Last Run Time:                        N/A
Last Result:                          1
Author:                               N/A
Task To Run:                          c:\program files\windows defender\MpCmdRun.exe Scan -ScheduleJob
                                      -WinTask -RestrictPrivilegesScan
Start In:                             N/A
Comment:                              Scheduled Scan
Scheduled Task State:                 Enabled
Idle Time:                            Only Start If Idle for 1 minutes, If Not Idle Retry For 240 minutes
Power Management:                     No Start On Batteries
Run As User:                          SYSTEM
Delete Task If Not Rescheduled:       Enabled
Stop Task If Runs X Hours and X Mins: 72:00:00
Schedule:                             Scheduling data is not available in this format.
Schedule Type:                        Daily
Start Time:                           5:11:13 AM
Start Date:                           1/1/2000
End Date:                             1/1/2100
Days:                                 Every 1 day(s)
Months:                               N/A
Repeat: Every:                        Disabled
Repeat: Until: Time:                  Disabled
Repeat: Until: Duration:              Disabled
Repeat: Stop If Still Running:        Disabled


C:\Windows\system32> tasklist /SVC
Image Name                     PID Services
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process              0 N/A
System                           4 N/A
smss.exe                       244 N/A
csrss.exe                      332 N/A
csrss.exe                      372 N/A
wininit.exe                    380 N/A
winlogon.exe                   428 N/A
services.exe                   476 N/A
lsass.exe                      484 SamSs
lsm.exe                        496 N/A
svchost.exe                    588 DcomLaunch, PlugPlay, Power
svchost.exe                    668 RpcEptMapper, RpcSs
svchost.exe                    760 Audiosrv, Dhcp, eventlog,
                                   HomeGroupProvider, lmhosts, wscsvc
svchost.exe                    800 AudioEndpointBuilder, CscService, Netman,
                                   SysMain, TrkWks, UxSms, WdiSystemHost,
svchost.exe                    836 AeLookupSvc, BITS, gpsvc, iphlpsvc,
                                   LanmanServer, MMCSS, ProfSvc, Schedule,
                                   seclogon, SENS, ShellHWDetection, Themes,
                                   Winmgmt, wuauserv
audiodg.exe                    916 N/A
svchost.exe                    992 EventSystem, fdPHost, netprofm, nsi,
                                   WdiServiceHost, WinHttpAutoProxySvc
svchost.exe                   1104 CryptSvc, Dnscache, LanmanWorkstation,
spoolsv.exe                   1244 Spooler
svchost.exe                   1272 BFE, DPS, MpsSvc
mDNSResponder.exe             1400 Bonjour Service
taskhost.exe                  1504 N/A
taskeng.exe                   1556 N/A
vmtoolsd.exe                  1580 VMTools
dwm.exe                       1660 N/A
explorer.exe                  1668 N/A
vmware-usbarbitrator.exe      1768 VMUSBArbService
TPAutoConnSvc.exe             1712 TPAutoConnSvc
C:\Windows\system32> net start
These Windows services are started:
   Application Experience
   Application Information
   Background Intelligent Transfer Service
   Base Filtering Engine
   Bluetooth Support Service
   Bonjour Service
   COM+ Event System
   COM+ System Application
   Cryptographic Services
   DCOM Server Process Launcher
   Desktop Window Manager Session Manager
   DHCP Client
   Diagnostic Policy Service
   Diagnostic Service Host
   Diagnostic System Host
   Distributed Link Tracking Client
   Distributed Transaction Coordinator
   DNS Client
   Function Discovery Provider Host
   Function Discovery Resource Publication
   Group Policy Client


C:\Windows\system32> DRIVERQUERY
Module Name  Display Name           Driver Type   Link Date
============ ====================== ============= ======================
1394ohci     1394 OHCI Compliant Ho Kernel        11/20/2010 6:01:11 PM
ACPI         Microsoft ACPI Driver  Kernel        11/20/2010 4:37:52 PM
AcpiPmi      ACPI Power Meter Drive Kernel        11/20/2010 4:47:55 PM
adp94xx      adp94xx                Kernel        12/6/2008 7:59:55 AM
adpahci      adpahci                Kernel        5/2/2007 1:29:26 AM
adpu320      adpu320                Kernel        2/28/2007 8:03:08 AM
AFD          Ancillary Function Dri Kernel        11/20/2010 4:40:00 PM
agp440       Intel AGP Bus Filter   Kernel        7/14/2009 7:25:36 AM
aic78xx      aic78xx                Kernel        4/12/2006 8:20:11 AM
aliide       aliide                 Kernel        7/14/2009 7:11:17 AM
amdagp       AMD AGP Bus Filter Dri Kernel        7/14/2009 7:25:36 AM
amdide       amdide                 Kernel        7/14/2009 7:11:19 AM
AmdK8        AMD K8 Processor Drive Kernel        7/14/2009 7:11:03 AM
AmdPPM       AMD Processor Driver   Kernel        7/14/2009 7:11:03 AM
amdsata      amdsata                Kernel        3/19/2010 9:08:27 AM
amdsbs       amdsbs                 Kernel        3/21/2009 2:35:26 AM
amdxata      amdxata                Kernel        3/20/2010 12:19:01 AM
AppID        AppID Driver           Kernel        11/20/2010 5:29:48 PM
arc          arc                    Kernel        5/25/2007 5:31:06 AM

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